
Brenda Sanya

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Brenda Sanya

Associate Professor of Educational Studies

Department/Office Information

309 McGregory Hall


PhD, Education Policy Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

  • Major Field: Global Studies in Education
  • Minor field: Queer Studies (Department of Gender and Women Studies)

MA, Gender/Cultural Studies, Simmons College

BA, Philosophy & Psychology, Gordon College 

  • The American School
  • Black Migrations
  • Democracy and Education
  • Introduction to Research Methods in Education
  • Pedagogies & Publics
  • Philosophies of Education
  • Black Educator Narratives


Edited Volumes

Hernando-Lloréns, B.,  López López, L., Sanya, B. N., & McCarthy, C. (Eds.). (2023). [Special Issue]. Globalisation, Societies, and Education, 21(4).

McCarthy, C., Goel, K.M., Bulut, E., Crichlow, W.,  Sanya, B. N., & Henson, B. (Eds.). (2020). . Peter Lang.

Sanya, B.N., Desai, K., Callier, D.M., & McCarthy, C. Eds. (2018). [Special Issue]. Curriculum Inquiry

Zerai, A., & Sanya, B.N. Eds. (2018) : An African Feminist Analysis of the lives of Women and Children in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Rowman and Littlefield, Lexington Books.

Journal Articles

Hernando-Lloréns, B., López, L. L., Sanya, B. N., & McCarthy, C. (2023).  Conviviality and the making of difference: an introduction. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 21(4), 431–436. 

Sanya, B. N. (2021). Blackness, Biopolitics, Borders: African Immigration, Racialization, and the Limits of American Exceptionalism. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(9), 1527–1548 (first published online January 30, 2018).

Sanya, B. N., Desai, K., Callier, D. M., & McCarthy, C. (2018). Desirable and disposable: Educative practices and the making of (non) citizens. Curriculum Inquiry, 48(1), 1–15 (first published online January 30, 2018).  

Sanya, B.N. & Odero, P.W. (2017). “Feminist Articulations, Social Literacies, and Ubiquitous Mobile Technology Use in Kenya.” Policy Futures in Education, 15 (3), 309–326 (first published online June 19, 2017). 

Desai, K., & Sanya, B.N. (2016). Towards Decolonial Praxis: Reconfiguring the Human and the Curriculum. Gender and Education, 28(6), 1–15 (first published online August 31, 2016).

Reprinted in 2019. InK. T. Edwards, D. T. Baszile & N. A. Guillory (Eds.), Black women theorizing curriculum studies in colour and curves (pp. 399–412). Routledge.

McCarthy, C., & Sanya, B.N. (2014). The New Iconography of the Global City: Displacement and the Residues of Culture in Chicago. Policy Futures in Education, 12(8), 981–992.

Reprinted in 2015. In L. Mirón, B.R. Beabout, and J.L. Boselovic (Eds.) Only in New Orleans: School Choice and Equity Post-Hurricane Katrina, edited by  54–67. Sense Publishers.

Sanya, B.N., & Lutomia, A.N. (2015). Archives and Collective Memories: Searching for African Women in the Pan-African Imaginary. Feminist Africa, 20(1), 69–76.

Sanya, B.N. (2013).  Disrupting patriarchy: An Examination of the Role of e-technologies in Rural Kenya. Feminist Africa, 18(1), 12–24.

Book Chapters

Hutchinson, D., Sanya, B. N., Ogali-Frederic, D., & Kakooza, M. (2024). How Institutional Policies and Practices Impact Black Immigrant College Students’ Experiences. In (Eds.), B. Silver & G.P. McCarron Supporting College Students of Immigrant Origin. Cambridge University Press.  

Sanya, B. N. (2023). Antiblackness and American Exceptionalism: African Immigrants Navigating the Racial Contours of American Life. In W. S. Nasong’o, Abala I.J., & K. F. Otiso (Eds.), African Immigrants and the American Experience Race, Anti-Black Violence, and the Quest for the American Dream (pp. 67–84). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.  

Sanya, B. N. & Iyengar, M. M. (2020). Rural global city: The US midwestern land grant university as a palimpsest of colonial performances. In C. McCarthy, K. M. Goel, E. Bulut, W. Crichlow, B.N. Sanya, & B. Henson (Eds.), Spaces of new colonialism: Reading schools, museums, and cities in the tumult of globalization (pp. 311–336). Peter Lang.  

McCarthy, C., Sanya, B. N., & Goel, K. M. (2020). Trading in multiculture: The city and the university in the age of globalization. In C. McCarthy, K. M. Goel, E. Bulut, W. Crichlow, B. N. Sanya, and B. Henson (Eds.), Spaces of new colonialism: Reading schools, museums, and cities in the tumult of globalization (pp. 41–78). Peter Lang.  

McCarthy, C., Goel, K. M., Bulut, E. Crichlow, W., Sanya, B. N., & Henson, B. (2020). Introduction: Understanding the spaces of new colonialism. In C. McCarthy, K. M. Goel, E. Bulut, W. Crichlow, B.N. Sanya, and B. Henson (Eds.), Spaces of new colonialism: Reading schools, museums, and cities in the tumult of globalization (pp. 1–17). Peter Lang.  

Span, C.M., & Sanya, B. N. (2019). The African diaspora and the history of education. In J. Rury & E. Tamura (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of the History of Education (pp. 399–412). Oxford University Press.  

Sanya, B.N. (2018). Public Goods, Citizenship Rights: How lingering Structural Inequalities define Social Services and Government Policies. In A. Zerai & B.N. Sanya (Eds.), Safe Water, Sanitation and Early Childhood Malnutrition in East Africa: An African Feminist Analysis of the lives of Women and Children in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda (pp. 65–82). Rowman and Littlefield, Lexington Books. 

Sanya, B.N. (2018). Public Goods, Citizenship Rights: How lingering Structural Inequalities define Social Services and Government Policies. In A. Zerai & B.N. Sanya (Eds.), Safe Water, Sanitation and Early Childhood Malnutrition in East Africa: An African Feminist Analysis of the lives of Women and Children in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda (pp. 65–82). Rowman and Littlefield, Lexington Books. 

McCarthy, C., Patel, R., & Sanya, B.N. (2018). Toni Morrison and the Discourse of the Other: Against the Hypocrisy of Completeness. In J. M. Paraskeva (Ed.), Towards a Just Curriculum Theory: The Epistemicide (pp. 207–218). Routledge.

McCarthy, C., Goel, K., Sanya, B.N., Greenhalgh-Spencer, H., & Chunfeng Lin. (2016). Digitalizing Tradition: Staging Postcolonial Elite School Identities in the Online Environment. In S. Choo, R. Vinz, D. Sawch, & A. Villanueva (Eds.), Educating for 21st century global capacities: International perspectives and practices(pp. 25–46). Springer.

Lutomia, A.N., Sanya, B.N., & Rombo, D. (2016). Examining and Contextualizing the Impact of Kenya’s Maendeleo ya Wanawake Organization through an African Feminist Lens. In C. Lange, C. Schwabenland, J. Onyx, & S. Nakagawa (Eds.), The Role of Civil Society in the Emancipation of Women: Challenging or Reinforcing the Status Quo? (pp. 321–342). Policy Press.

Sanya, B.N., & Lutomia, A.N. (2016). Feminism Unfinished: Towards Gender Justice and Women’s Rights in Kenya. In M.M. Kithinji, M. Mwanzia Koster, & J.P. Rotich (Eds.), Kenya after Fifty: Reconfiguring Education, Gender, and Policy (pp. 227–252). Palgrave Macmillan.

McCarthy, C., Greenhalgh-Spencer, H., Goel, K., Lin, C., Castro, M., Sanya, B.N., & Bulut, E. (2015). The Visual Field of Barbadian Elite Schooling: Toward a Postcolonial Social Aesthetic. In J. Fahey, H. Prosser, & M. Shaw (Eds.), In the Realm of the Senses: Social Aesthetics and the Sensory Dynamics of Privilege (pp. 137–169). Springer Singapore. 

Sanya, B.N. (2014). Mobile Technologies and Feminist Possibilities in Rural Kenya. In C. McCarthy, A. Kozma, M. Fitzpatrick, K. Palma, & N. Lamers (Eds.), Mobilized Identities: Mediated Subjectivity and Cultural Crisis in the Neoliberal Era (pp. 240–256). Common Ground. 

Encyclopedia & Handbook Entries

Span, C. M., & Sanya, B.N. (2019) Education and the African Diaspora. In J. Rury and E. Tamura, eds. The Oxford Handbook of History of Education. Oxford University Press. 

Goel, K., Sanya, B.N., & Lin, C. (2016). Cultural Studies and Education in the Digital Age. In M. Peters (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory (pp. 1–6). Springer Singapore.

  • In conversation with Simone Browne:
  • Challenging E-carceration: 
  • at The Glimmerglass Festival