
Robert McVaugh

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Robert McVaugh

Professor of Art

Department/Office Information

309 Little Hall
  • MTW 1:30pm - 3:30pm (309 Little Hall)

BA, Swarthmore College, 1974; MFA (1977), PhD (1981), Princeton University

Modern European art, contemporary American art, 20th-century architecture

German romantic and neoclassical art, Pablo Picasso, historicism and the arts

  • Abstraction, Non-Objectivity, and Realism: Twentieth-Century Paintings from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (1987)
  • Coauthor, "New Light on Picasso's La Vie" (Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art, 1978
  • "Medieval or Renaissance? The Imitation of Fifteenth-Century Art by German Romantic Artists" (Selected Papers in Medievalism, 1988)
  • "Turner and Rome, Raphael and the Fornarina" (Studies in Romanticism, 1987)
  • "Cyrano de Bergerac and Edouard Manet's Frontispiece Etchings" (Burlington Magazine, 1986)
  • "A Revised Reconstruction of the Casa Bartholdy Fresco Cycle" (Art Bulletin, 1984)
  • Contributing editor, Books for College Libraries, 3rd edition (1987)

NEH Fellowship for College Teachers (1985-86)