
Commitment to Community Health Compliance Reminder

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Dear Õ¥Ö­¼§ Community, 

Multiple reports of large gatherings over the past few days are cause for concern, as unsanctioned gatherings and lax adherence to guidelines regarding face coverings and physical distancing can lead to serious public-health consequences for our community. 

We are all tired of the pandemic. I am, too. We are drawing closer to a day when we can freely gather with our friends and see each other’s faces again, yet we need to remain vigilant now or we risk the remaining weeks of this semester or worse, compromising the health and safety of this campus and Village community.. 

Õ¥Ö­¼§ responds to all reports of Commitment to Community Health violations. I can report that as a result of large gatherings last weekend, students have been required to continue the semester remotely with no further campus access. Just last evening, another large gathering was reported and these hosts will similarly be held accountable to the Commitment to Community Health that every student, faculty, and staff member signed at the start of this semester. Hosts of gatherings that violate University policies will be asked to depart campus and continue the semester remotely.  Last semester, the University sent 29 on-campus students home for commitment violations, and 3 private off-campus students lost campus access. 

We regret having to make these very difficult decisions but also know that we must. The entire University and Village community, and indeed the entire on-campus operations this semester, depend on our ability to curtail any spread of SARS-CoV-2. Based on experiences occurring on other campuses at this very moment, we know all too well that it only takes one large gathering to put in motion a viral outbreak that is nearly impossible to reverse. 

Community members who wish to file a report about commitment violations are . 

As a reminder: 

Groups of 10 or fewer people are currently permitted to gather in approved indoor spaces (e.g. common rooms), if they wear face coverings, maintain 6-foot physical distancing (or 12ft if exercising), and follow all the guidelines for the space. These guidelines include the reduced capacity caps for each venue.

Students are not permitted to socialize within others’ bedrooms within residence halls or apartments/townhouses and gatherings should be limited to the common rooms in Gate 2.

Õ¥Ö­¼§â€™s guidelines were developed to help to protect the health and safety of our campus community and that of the Village of Hamilton. Again, in-person instruction on campus depends on our collective ability to work together in following the guidelines that have been clearly set forth in the Commitment to Community Health. While these restrictions can be tiresome, and even frustrating, they work as evidenced by our success last semester. The science of this virus is real. The threat is real. And, our ability to come together to overcome this challenge is real.

It is essential that we respect one another on this campus. Please be respectful to each other, to the Community Leaders, Links, Campus Safety officers, and every Õ¥Ö­¼§ staff member who is working to keep you safe and make this in person experience possible. They are doing this work because they care about this community and your wellbeing. 

To the vast majority of you who have been diligently upholding the Commitment to Community Health— and on behalf of all the faculty and staff working to keep our doors open—Thank you.

With regards,

Stacey Millard
Community Health Student Compliance Manager