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Kelly Psychology Department, ե֭ 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346 skelly@colgate.edu, 315.228.7350 http://www.colgate.edu/spencerkelly CURRENT APPOINTMENT Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Neuroscience Program, ե֭ AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Co-speech hand gestures, neural integration of multimodal communication, language processing and development, pragmatics EDUCATION 1999 Ph.D. Developmental Psychology, University of Chicago 1997 M.A. Developmental Psychology, University of Chicago 1991 B.A. History, Washington University, St. Louis ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Professor Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Neuroscience Program, ե֭, 2014-present Chairperson Psychology Department, ե֭, 2013-2016 Program Coordinator Neuroscience Program, ե֭, 2011-2013 Associate Professor Department of Psychology, Neuroscience Program, ե֭, 2007-2014 Visiting Scientist Language Production Group, Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, spring 2009 Visiting Scholar Allen Edwards Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, fall 2008 Assistant Professor Department of Psychology, Neuroscience Program, ե֭, 2001-2007 Post-doctoral Researcher Department Brain and Psychological Sciences, University of Louisville, 1999-2001 FELLOWSHIPS, GRANTS, AWARDS & DISTINCTIONS 2016-2019 National Science Foundation: SL-CN, Consultant, Susan Goldin-Meadow Primary 2013 National Science Foundation: MRI, co-PI; Bruce Hansen Primary ($199,307) 2012 Included in the Princeton Review'sThe Best 300 Professors 2011-2013 National Science Foundation: RUI, shared PI with Yukari Hirata ($316,238) 2009 Gastwissenschaftler at the MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands 2009 Picker Research Fellowship, ե֭ ($2,100) 2008 Allen Edwards Lectureship, University of Washington 2007 Gastwissenschaftler at the MPI CBS, Leipzig, Germany 2007-2009 Picker Interdisciplinary Research Grant, ե֭ ($82,000) 2005-2006 Picker Research Fellowship, ե֭ ($6,000) 1999 NIH Pre-Doctoral National Research Service Award, UCSD (declined) 1998-1999 William Rainey Harper Dissertation Fellowship, University of Chicago 1998 John Dewey Lectureship Prize, University of Chicago 1994-1998 Division of Social Sciences Scholarship, University of Chicago PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS International Society for Gesture Studies (President) PUBLICATIONS Books Church, R. B., Alibali, M., & Kelly, S. D. (2017). Why gesture? How the hands function in speaking, thinking and communicating. John BenjaminsPublishing: Amsterdam. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles *Levy, R. S., & Kelly, S. D. (accepted). Emotion matters: The effect of hand gesture on emotionally valenced sentences, Gesture. Sekine, K., Schoechl, C., Mulder, K., Holler, J., Kelly, S. D., Furman, R., & zyrek, A. (2020). Evidence for childrens online integration of simultaneous information from speech and iconic gestures: an ERP study.Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 1-12. *Zheng, A., Hirata, Y., & Kelly, S. D. (2018). Exploring the effects of imitating hand gestures and head nods on L1 and L2 Mandarin tone production. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61(9), 2179-2195. Kelly, S. D., *Bailey, A. H., & Hirata, Y. (2017). Metaphoric gestures facilitate perception of intonation more than length in auditory judgments of non-native phonemic contrasts. Collabra, 3(1), 7. *Bailey, A. H., & Kelly, S. D. (2016). Body posture and gender impact neural processing of power-related words. The Journal of Social Psychology, 157(4), 474-484. *Siciliano, R., Hirata, Y., & Kelly, S. D. (2016). Electrical stimulation over left inferior frontal gyrus disrupts hand gestures role in foreign vocabulary learning.Educational Neuroscience,1, 1-12. Obermeier, C., Kelly, S. D., & Gunter, T. C. (2015). A speaker's gesture style can affect language comprehension: ERP evidence from gesture-speech integration.Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10, 1236-43. *Bailey, A. H., & Kelly, S. D. (2015). Picture power: Gender versus body language in perceived status. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 39, 317-337. Holler, J., Kokal, I., Toni, I., Hagoort, P., Kelly, S. D., & zyrek, A. (2015). Eyem talking to you: speakers gaze direction modulates co-speech gesture processing in the right MTG.Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(2), 255-261. Hirata, Y., Kelly, S. D., *Huang, J., & *Manansala, M. (2014). Effects of hand gestures on auditory learning of second-language vowel length contrasts. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57(6), 2090-2101. Holler, J., Schubotz, L., Kelly, S., Hagoort, P., Schuetze, M. & zyrek, A. (2014). Social eye gaze modulates processing of speech and co-speech gesture. Cognition, 132, 696-697. Kelly, S., *Healey, M., zyrek, A., & Holler, J. (2014). The processing of speech, gesture, and action during language comprehension. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 517-23. Kelly, S. D., Hirata, Y., *Manansala, M., & *Huang, J. (2014). Exploring the role of hand gestures in learning novel phoneme contrasts and vocabulary in a second language.Frontiers in Psychology,5, 673. Church, R. B., Kelly, S., & Holcombe, D. (2014). Temporal synchrony between speech, action and gesture during language production.Language, Cognition and Neuroscience,29, 345-354. *Hinzman, L., & Kelly, S. D. (2013). Effects of emotional body language on rapid outgroup judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 152155. Kelly, S. D., Hansen, B. C., & *Clark, D. (2012). Slight of hand: The processing of visually degraded gestures and speech. PLoS One Biology, 7, e42620. Kelly, S. D., & *Lee, A. (2012). When actions speak too much louder than words: Gesture disrupts word learning when phonetic demands are high. Language and Cognitive Processes, 27, 793-807. Kelly, S. D., *Byrne, K., & Holler, J. (2011). Raising the ante in communication: Evidence for enhanced gesture use in high stakes situations. Information, 2, 579-593. Hirata, S. D., & Kelly, S. (2010). The effects of lips and hands on auditory learning of second language speech sounds. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 53, 298-310. Kelly, S. D., *Creigh, P., & *Bartolotti, J. (2010). Integrating speech and iconic gestures in a Stroop task: Evidence for automatic processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 683-694. Kelly, S. D., zyrek, A., & Maris, E. (2010). Two sides of the same coin: Speech and gesture mutually interact to enhance comprehension. Psychological Science, 21, 260-267. Kelly, S. D., *McDevitt, T., & *Esch, M. (2009). Brief training with co-speech gesture lends a hand to word learning in a foreign language. Language and Cognitive Processes, 24, 313-334. *Pratt, N., & Kelly, S. D. (2008). Emotional states influence the neural processing of affective language. Social Neuroscience, 3, 434-442. Kelly, S. D., Manning, S., & *Rodak, S. (2008). Gesture gives a hand to language and learning: Perspectives from cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology and education. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2, 1-20. zyrek, A., & Kelly, S. D. (2007). Gesture, brain, and language. Brain and Language, 101, 181-184. Kelly, S. D., *Ward, S., *Creigh, P., & *Bartolotti, J. (2007). An intentional stance modulates the integration of gesture and speech during comprehension. Brain and Language, 101, 222-233. Molfese, D. L., Fonaryova Key, A. Kelly, S., Cunningham, N., Terrell, S., Fergusson, M., Molfese, V. & Bonebright, T. (2006). Below-average, average, and above-average readers engage different and similar brain regions while reading. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39, 352-363. Kelly, S. D., & *Goldsmith, L. (2004). Gesture and right hemisphere involvement in evaluating lecture material. Gesture, 4, 25-42. Kelly, S. D., *Kravitz, C., & *Hopkins, M. (2004). Neural correlates of bimodal speech and gesture comprehension. Brain and Language, 89, 253-260. Molfese, D. L., Molfese, V. J., Fonaryova Key, A., & Kelly, S. D. (2003). Influence of environment on speech-sound discrimination: Findings from a longitudinal study. Developmental Neuropsychology, 24, 541-558. Molfese, D. L., Molfese, V. J., Key, S., Mogdlin, A. & Kelly, S., & Terrell, S. (2002). Reading and cognitive abilities: Longitudinal studies of brain and behavior changes in young children. Annals of Dyslexia, 52, 121-140. Kelly, S. D., Iverson, J., *Terranova, J., *Niego, J., *Hopkins, M., & *Goldsmith, L. (2002). Putting language back in the body: Speech and gesture on three timeframes. Developmental Neuropsychology, 22, 323-349. Kelly, S. D., Singer, M., Hicks, J., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2002). A helping hand in assessing children's knowledge: Instructing adults to attend to gesture. Cognition and Instruction, 20, 1-26. Goldin-Meadow, S., Nusbaum, H., Kelly, S. D., & Wagner, S. (2001). Explaining math: Gesture lightens the load. Psychological Science, 12, 516-522. Molfese, D., Molfese, V., & Kelly, S. D. (2001). The use of brain electrophysiology techniques to study language and reading: A basic guide for the beginning consumer of electrophysiology information. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 24, 177-188. Kelly, S. D. (2001). Broadening the units of analysis in communication: Speech and nonverbal behaviours in pragmatic comprehension. Journal of Child Language, 28, 325-349. Church, R. B., Kelly, S. D., & Lynch, K. (2000). Immediate memory for mismatched speech and representational gesture across development. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 24, 151-174. Kelly, S. D., Barr, D., Church, R. B., & Lynch, K. (1999). Offering a hand to pragmatic understanding: The role of speech and gesture in comprehension and memory. Journal of Memory and Language, 40, 577-592. Kelly, S. D., & Church, R. B. (1998). A comparison between children's and adults' ability to detect children's representational gestures. Child Development, 69, 85-93. Kelly, S. D., & Church, R. B. (1997). Can children detect conceptual information conveyed through other children's nonverbal behavior's. Cognition and Instruction, 15, 107-134. Church, R. B., Schonert-Reichl, K., Goodman, N., Kelly, S. D., & Ayman-Nolley, S. (1995). The role of gesture and speech communication as reflections of cognitive understanding. Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues, 65, 123-140. * denotes a ե֭ undergraduate Book and Handbook Chapters Nagels, A., Kelly, S. D., Kircher, T., & Straube, B. (2018). Hand gestures alert auditory cortices. InPositive Learning in the Age of Information(pp. 53-66). Springer VS, Wiesbaden. Kelly, S. D. (2017). Exploring the boundaries of gesture-speech integration during language comprehension.In R. B. Church, M. W. Alibali & S. D. Kelly (Eds.),Why gesture? How the hands function in speaking, thinking and communicating (pp. 243-265).John Benjamins Publishing: Amsterdam. Kelly, S. D., Alibali, M. W., & Church, R. B. (2017). Understanding gesture: Description, mechanism and function. In R. B. Church, M. W. Alibali & S. D. Kelly (Eds.),Why gesture? How the hands function in speaking, thinking and communicating (pp. 3-10). John Benjamins Publishing: Amsterdam. Kelly, S. D. & Hirata, Y. (2017) What neural measures reveal about foreign language learning of Japanese vowel length contrasts with hand gestures. In S. Tanaka et al. (eds.),New Development in Phonology Research: Festschrift in Honor of Haruo Kubozono(xvzn0eU\ztf+YYecf_֊eƖ), pp. 278-294. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. Church, R. B., Wakefield, E., & Kelly, S. D. (2015). Measuring gesture. APA Handbook of Nonverbal Communication. American Psychological Association. Commentaries Kelly, S. D. (2005). The body as a cognitive artifact in kinship representations: Hand gesture diagrams by speakers of LaoCommentary. Current Anthropology, 46, 74-75. Kelly, S. D. (2003). From past to present: Speech, gesture and brain in present-day human communication. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26, 230-231. Conference Proceedings Nagels, A., Kelly, S. D., Kircher, T., & Straube, B. (2018). Hand gestures alert auditory cortices.Positive Learning in the Age of Information, 53. Hirata, Y., *Zheng, Z., & Kelly, S. D. (December, 2016). A limited role of hand gestures and head nods in native English speakers production of Mandarin tones. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 140, 3340. Hansen, B.C., Kelly, S.D., *Decker, P., *Weinstein, R., & *Lanphier, S. (2014). Visual motion energy signal usage in gesture and speech integration: The role of semantic categorization and task demands. Journal of Vision, 14, 443. Hirata, Y., Kelly, S. D., *Huang, J., and *Manansala, M. (2014). Effects of observing or producing hand gestures on non-native speakers auditory learning of Japanese short and long vowels. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 135, 2353. Margiotoudi, K., Kelly, S., & Vatakis, A. (2014). Audiovisual Temporal Integration of Speech and Gesture.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,126, 154-155. Holler, J., Schubotz, L., Kelly, S. D., Hagoort, P., Schuetze, M. & zyrek, A. (in press). Heres not looking at you, kid! Unaddressed recipients benefit from co-speech gestures when speech processing suffers. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Berlin, Germany: Cognitive Science Society. Holler, J., Kelly, S. D., Hagoort, P., & zyrek, A. (2012). When gestures catch the eye: The influence of gaze direction on co-speech gesture comprehension in triadic communication. In N. Miyake, D. Peebles, & R. Cooper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. Kelly, S. D., *Healey, M., zyrek, A., & Holler, J. (2012). The communicative influence of gesture and action during speech comprehension: gestures have the upper hand. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 04/2012; 131(4): 3311. Kelly, S. D., *Ward, P., & *Creigh, P. (2005). Does a communicators intent play a role in the brains comprehension of speech and gesture? Proceedings of the Second Annual International Society for Gesture Studies, 220-221. Kelly, S. D., & Kravitz, C. (2004). Does gesture play a special role in the brains processing of language? Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 28. Barr, D., & Kelly, S. D. (1997). Nonverbal factors in understanding and remembering indirect requests. Cognitive Science Abstracts, 56-61. Lay Papers for Public Kelly, S. D., *Healey, M., zyrek, A., & Holler, J. (2012). The brain distinguishes between gesture and action in the context of processing speech (2aSC15). 163rd Acoustical Society of America Meeting. http://www.acoustics.org/press/163rd/lay_lang.html INVITED TALKS AND COLLOQUIA Invited scholar for the National Institutes of Health Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) USTAR program at Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, 2018 Invited speaker for the Nijmegen Iconicity Workshop, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2017 Colloquium, Division of Science and Technology Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, 2017 Nijmegen Gesture Group Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2016 Seminar on Social Processes, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 2015 Colloquium, Hamilton College, Hamilton, New York, 2015 Colloquium (with Yukari Hirata), The MARCS Institute, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2014 Seminar (with Yukari Hirata), Cognition and its Disorders, Australia Hearing Hub, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2014 Workshop on Length/duration: The long and short of it (with Yukari Hirata), Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2014 Colloquium (with *Jessica Huang, *Michael Manansala, & Yukari Hirata), Phonological Association in Kansai, Kobe, Japan, 2014 Linguistics Colloquium (with Yukari Hirata), Simon Frazer University, Vancouver, Canada, 2012 Plenary Talk, International Society for Gesture Studies Conference, Lund, Sweden, 2012 Natural Science Colloquium, ե֭, 2012 Picker Interdisciplinary Institute Panel Discussion (with Yukari Hirata), ե֭, 2011 Invited symposium, American Psychological Association Mentor of the Year award for Developmental Psychology given to Susan Goldin-Meadow, Washington, DC, 2011 Gesture Seminar, Upstate Cerebral Palsy, Utica, NY, 2011 Language and Communication Seminar, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2011 Research Colloquium, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2011 Center for Second Language Research, University of HawaiiManoa, 2011 Neurocognition of Gesture Workshop II, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS), Leipzig, Germany, 2010 Social Psychology Colloquium, Yale University, 2010 Gesture Seminar, University of Chicago, 2009 Symposium, Nijmegen Gesture Center, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2009 Centre of Excellence in Computational Complex Systems Research Seminar, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, 2009 Department of Psychology, SapienzaUniversit di Roma, Rome, Italy, 2009 Student Seminar, SapienzaUniversit di Roma, Rome, Italy, 2009 CRC Colloquium, Alignment in Communication, University of Bielefeld, Germany Psychology Colloquium, University of Manchester, England, 2009 Psychology Colloquium, University of Birmingham, England, 2009 Guest Talk, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI EVA), Leipzig, Germany, 2009 Guest Talk, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS), Leipzig, Germany, 2009 Gesture Seminar, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2009 Nijmegen Gesture Center, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2009 Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Washington, 2008 Research Seminar, Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, University of Washington, 2008 Allen Edwards Lecture, University of Washington, 2008 Advanced Telecommunications Research (ATR) Institute International, Kyoto, Japan, 2008 Humanities Colloquium (with Dr. Yukari Hirata), ե֭, 2008 Mellon Lecture, Hamilton College, 2007 Gastwissenschaftler Lecture, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS), Leipzig, Germany, 2007 Psychology Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007 Psychology Department, Rutgers University, 2006 Neurocognition of Gesture Workshop, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS), Leipzig, Germany, 2006 Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Embodied Communication in Humans and Machines, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany, 2006 Language and Cognition Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2005 Gesture Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2005 Language and Literacy Development across the Life Span (LANSPAN) Group, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2005 Developmental Psychology Colloquium, Queens University, Canada, 2004 Psychology Department, University of California Los Angeles, 2003 Acoustic Ecology Communication in Noisy Environments Workshop, University of British Columbia, Canada, 2003 Gesture and Development Symposium, Jean Piaget Society, Philadelphia, 2002 Cognition and Communication Colloquium, Indiana University, 2000 Psychology Colloquium, Northeastern Illinois University, 1999 PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS *Billot-Vasquz, K., *Le, C, Hirata, Y., & Kelly, S. D. (March, 2019). Do co-speech gestures help non-native speakers sound more native? Round table discussion at the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, GA. *Geyer, R., *Pearlman, A., Tomlinson, J., & Kelly, S. D. (July, 2018). Hands-on emotion: Gesturing while speaking produces an adaptive physiological response. Paper presented at 8th conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, Cape Town, South Africa. Kelly, S. D., Wong, K. Y., Lam, W. Y., Cheng, C. H., & So, W. C. (November, 2017). Co-Speech pointing gestures produced by human instructors rather than robots improve word learning in children with Autism. Paper presented at the Boston University Child Language Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. Hirata, Y., *Zheng, Z., & Kelly, S. D. (December, 2016). A limited role of hand gestures and head nods in native English speakers production of Mandarin tones. Presented at the FifthJoint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Honolulu. Abstract publishedin Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 140, No. 4, p.3340. *Zheng, A., *Cho, Y., Hirata, Y., & Kelly, S. D. (July, 2016). Can co-speech hand gestures and head nods influence Mandarin tonal production in L2 and L1 speakers? Paper presented at the 7th conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, Paris, France. *Neal, R., & Kelly, S. D. (July, 2016). Do gestures and actions affect memory differently when produced for oneself versus others? Paper presented at the 7th conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, Paris, France. *Bailey, A. H., & Kelly, S. D. (February, 2015). Picture power: Gender versus nonverbal behavior in perceived dominance. Poster presented at the Nonverbal Preconference to the 16th Annual Meeting of SPSP, Long Beach, CA. Kelly, S. D., Healey, M., zyrek, A., & Holler, J. (July, 2014). The integration of gestures and actions with speech: Should we welcome the empty-handed to language comprehension? Paper presented at the 6th conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, San Diego, CA. Kelly, S. D., Hirata, Y., *Lin, C., & *Zhao, Z. (July, 2013). The influence of observing versus imitating gestures in L2 phoneme instruction. Poster presented at the Cognitive Science Conference in Berlin, Germany. Holler, J., Kelly, S. D., Hagoort, P., Schubotz, L. & zyrek, A. (July, 2013). Speakers social eye gaze modulates addressed and unaddressed recipients comprehension of gesture and speech in multi-party communication. Paper presented at the 5th Biennial Conference of Experimental Pragmatics, Utrecht, The Netherlands. *Cho, Y., *Zheng, A., Kelly, S. D., & Hirata, Y. (May, 2013). Hand gestures and head nods assist in L2 production of Mandarin tones. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science conference in Washington, DC. Kokal, I., Holler, J., zyrek, A., Kelly, S. D., Toni, I., & Hagoort, P. (October, 2012). Eyem talking to you: Speakers gaze direction modulates the integration of speech and iconic gestures in the right MTG. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, San Sebastian, Spain. Holler, J., Kelly, S. D., Hagoort, P., & zyrek, A. (September, 2012). The influence of gaze direction on the comprehension of speech and gesture in triadic communication. Paper presented at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference, Riva Del Garda, Italy. *Lin, C., *Zhao, Z., Kelly, S. D., & Hirata, Y. (July, 2012). Beat it!: The use of beat gestures in teaching Japanese vowel length identification. Poster presented at the 5th conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, Lund, Sweden. Holler, J., Kelly, S. D., Hagoort, P., & zyrek, A. (July, 2012). When gestures catch the eye: the influence of gaze direction on co-speech gesture comprehension in triadic communication. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sapporo, Japan. Holler, J., Kelly, S. D., Hagoort, P., & zyrek, A. (July, 2012). When gestures catch the eye: the influence of gaze direction on co-speech gesture comprehension in triadic communication. Paper presented at the 5th conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, Lund, Sweden. Kelly, S. D., *Healey, M., zyrek, A., & Holler, J. (May, 2012). The communicative influence of gesture and action during speech comprehension: gestures have the upper hand. Paper presented at 163rd meeting of the Acoustics Society of America, Hong Kong. Holler, J., Kelly, S. D., Hagoort, P., & zyrek, A. (May, 2012). Overhearing gesture: The influence of eye gaze direction on the comprehension of iconic gestures. Poster presented at the Social Cognition, Engagement, and the Second-Person-Perspective Conference, Cologne, Germany. Kokal, I., Holler, J., zyrek, A., Kelly, S. D., Toni, I. & Hagoort, P. (May, 2012). Eyem talking to you: The role of the Middle Temporal Gyrus in the integration of gaze, gesture and speech. Poster presented at the Social Cognition, Engagement, and the Second-Person-Perspective Conference, Cologne, Germany. Holler, J., Kelly, S. D., Hagoort, P., & zyrek, A. (January, 2012). Overhearing gesture: The influence of eye gaze direction on the comprehension of iconic gestures. Poster presented at the EPS workshop What if the study of language had started from the investigation of signed, rather than spoken, languages?, London, UK. Gunter, T., Kelly, S. D., & Obermeier, C. (November, 2011). The communicative style of a speaker can affect language comprehension? ERP evidence from gesture- speech integration. Poster presented at the Neurobiology of Language conference, Annapolis, MD. Holcombe, D., Church, R. B., & Kelly, S. D. (October, 2011). Temporal synchrony in gesture and speech. Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society conference, Philadelphia, PA. *Chabal, S. A., Kelly, S. D., & Marian, V. (June, 2011). Age of second language exposure mediates inhibitory function. Poster session presented at the International Symposium on Bilingualism, Oslo, Norway. Kelly, S. D., *Malanowski, S., & *Singh, M. (October, 2010). Casting an eye on hand gestures in foreign language learning. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum, College Park, MD. Kelly, S. D., Hansen, B. C., & *Clark, D. (July, 2010). Two visual pathways for integrating gesture and speech during language comprehension. Paper presented at the International Society for Gesture Studies conference, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. Kelly, S. D., Hansen, B. C., & *Sobo, J. (October, 2009). Slight of hand: The integration of speech and visually degraded hand gestures. Poster presented at the Neurobiology of Language conference in Chicago, IL. Kelly, S. D., & Hirata, Y. (October, 2008). Tongues, hands and brains: Language learning and development. Co-organizers of the first annual international symposium for the Picker Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in the Sciences and Mathematics at ե֭, NY. Hirata, Y., Kelly, S. D., *Cullings, E., *Demakakos, J., *Simester, J., & *Burch, J. (August, 2008). Multimodal learning of Japanese speech sounds by native English speakers. Poster presented at the WorldCall 08 conference in Fukuoka, Japan. Kelly, S. D., Hirata, Y., *Simester, J., *Burch, J., *Cullings, E., & *Demakakos, J. (July, 2008) Effects of hand gesture and lip movements on auditory learning of second language speech sounds. Poster presented at the Acoustics 08 conference in Paris, France. Kelly, S. D., & Hirata, Y. (May, 2008). Hand gestures facilitate learning words but not phonemes in a second language. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Sciences annual conference in Chicago, IL. Kelly, S. D. (March, 2008). Brief training with iconic gesture lends a hand to word learning in a foreign language. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association conference, New York, NY. Kelly, S. D., *Bartolotti, J., & *Creigh, P. (June, 2007). The integration of gesture and speech may be a default but not exclusively automatic process. Paper presented at the International Society for Gesture Studies conference, Chicago, IL. Kelly, S. D., zyrek, A., & Maris, E. (June, 2007). On-line interactions between speech and gesture during comprehension. Paper presented at the International Society for Gesture Studies conference, Chicago, IL. Church, R. B., Kelly, S. D., & Ayman-Nolley, S. (June, 2007). The impact of gesture on speech processing: Evidence from behavioral and ERP data. Paper presented at the Jean Piaget Society conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Kelly, S. D., *Esch, M., & *McDevitt, T. (May, 2007). Neural correlates of learning Japanese words with and without iconic hand gesture. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society conference, New York, New York. *Wakeman, D. G., & Kelly, S. D. (October, 2006). Irony and emotional context influence event-related potentials. Poster to be presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA. *Donovan, K., *McDevitt, T., & Kelly, S. D. (May, 2006). Iconic gestures help children and adults learn and remember foreign verbs. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) conference, New York, New York. *Ward, S., *Creigh, P., & Kelly, S. D. (May, 2006). Communicative intentions influence the neural integration of gesture and speech. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) conference, New York, New York. Kelly, S. D., *Ward, S., & *Creigh, P. (June, 2005). The role of intention in the brains semantic integration of speech and gesture. Paper presented at the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS) conference, Lyon, France. *Pratt, N., Kelly, S. D., & *Lartaud, D. (February, 2005). Mood affects the processing in the brain of affective language. Paper presented at the International Neuropsychological Society, St. Louis, MO. *Wakeman, D. G., Lesak, K., Barnes, M., Key, A. F., Cunningham, N., Kelly, S. D., Gozal, D., Robinson, S., Molfese, D. L. (February, 2005). Sleep Apnea Changes the Brain's Processing of Syllables in Children. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society, St. Louis, MO. Kelly, S. D. & *Kravitz, C. (August, 2004). Does gesture play a special role in the brains processing of language? Paper presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Chicago, IL. Kelly, S. D., & *Schwoegler, M. (October, 2003). Multimodal experience changes the brain during word learning. Paper presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Park City, UT. Molfese, D. L., Fonaryova Key, A., Molfese, V., Kelly, S. D., Cunningham, N., Rumage, C., Terrell, S. & Ferguson, M. (February, 2003). Brain response differences between dyslexic, average, and advanced readers. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa Bay, FL. Molfese, D.L., Molfese, V., Fonaryova Key, S., Kelly, S. D., Kelley, M., Wilson, T., Cunningham, N. & Rumage, C. (February, 2003). High-density array electrode systems identify dynamic processes during speech perception in newborn infants. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Honolulu Hawaii. Vossen, M., Molfese, D. L., Fonaryova-Key, A., Kelly, S. D., Maldonado, C., Kon, M., & Barker, J. H. (April, 2002). Brain plasticity following hand transplantation. 37th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, Szeged, Hungary. Vossen, M., Molfese, D. L., Fonaryova-Key, A., Kelly, S. D., Maldonado, C., Barker, J. H., & Kon, M. (April, 2002). Cortical reorganization following hand transplantation ("Corticale reorganisatie na donor handtransplantatie"). Netherlands Society for Plastic Surgery. Veldhoven, The Netherlands. Molfese, V. J., Molfese, D. L., S., Terrell, M., Ferguson, M., Fonaryova Key, A. Kelly , S. D., Cunningham, N., Rumage, C. (October, 2001). Language, reading, and mathematics abilities in preschool children: evidence of skills from behavior and brain processing. Research! Louisville. Louisville, Kentucky. Molfese, D. L., Fonaryova Key, A. Kelly, S. D., Cunningham, N., Rumage, C., Wambacq, I., Molfese, V., Terrell, S., & Ferguson, M. (October, 2001). Brain response differences in dyslexia, average and above average readers. Research! Louisville. Louisville, Kentucky. 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Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN. Kelly, S. D., & Church, R. B. (May, 1994). Children's capacity to detect spontaneous gesture. Poster presented at the Midwest Psychological Association meetings, Chicago, IL. COURSES TAUGHT Northeastern Illinois University Child Development (spring, 1998) University of Chicago John Dewey Lectureship: Nonverbal Behaviors and Pragmatics (fall, 1998) ե֭ Introduction to Psychology: Lecture course for psychology concentrators and non-concentrators Brain and Behavior: Lecture course for neuroscience and psychology concentrators How to Build a Baby: Seminar for the Scientific Perspectives Core Curriculum Neuroscience Systems: Methods course for neuroscience concentrators Research Methods: Lab course for psychology and neuroscience concentrators Language and Thought: Upper-level seminar for psychology and neuroscience concentrators Cognitive Neuroscience: Upper-level seminar for psychology and neuroscience concentrators Senior Thesis: Supervise psychology and neuroscience theses (one and two semesters) Outlier Introduction to Psychology (released in 2019): Online course, two ~ 2-hour lectures on research methods ( HYPERLINK "https://outlier.org/psychology" link) Great Course Language and the Mind (released in 2020): Video and audio course created for the Teaching Company ( HYPERLINK "https://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/language-and-the-mind.html" link) EDITORIAL AND REVIEWER ACTIVITY Journal Review Acta Psychologica, Behavioural Brain Research; Bilingualism: Language and Cognition; Brain and Language; Brain Research; British Journal of Psychology; Cerebral Cortex; Cognition; Cognition and Instruction; Cognitive Science; Developmental Neuropsychology; Developmental Psychology; Developmental Science; First Language; Frontiers in Psychology; Gesture; Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology; Journal of Child Language; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Journal of Experimental Child Psychology; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Language and Cognitive Processes; Journal of Memory and Language; Journal of Nonverbal Behavior; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Phonetics; Language and Cognitive Processes; Language and Speech; Language Learning; Language Learning and Development; Language and Linguistic Compass; Learning, Memory and Cognition; Language Teaching Research; Neurolinguistics; Neuropsychologia; Physiology & Behavior; PLoS ONE Biology; Psychological Bulletin; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Psychological Science; Studies in Second Language Acquisition; Trends in Cognitive Science Conference Paper Reviewer Cognitive Science, 2012, 2013 Tilburg Gesture Research Meeting, 2013 International Society for Gesture Studies, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2018 Guest Editor Special Issue of Brain and Language (2007): Gesture, Brain and Language Editorial Board Developmental Neuropsychology, 2010-present Gesture, 2010-present Grant Review European Research Council (EU) MRC Neuroscience and Mental Health Board (England) NSF Cognition and Communication Program NSF Cognitive Neuroscience Initiative NSF CAREER NSF Perception, Action and Cognition Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Dissertation Evaluation Christian Obermeier, Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2011) Ingrid Masson Carro, Tilburg School of Humanities, Tilburg, The Netherlands (2018) (on site visit) Ying Huang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2019) UNIVERSITY SERVICE Honorary Degree Committee, fall 2012-2015; fall 2019-present Chair of ե֭s Presidential Task Force on Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression, fall 2017-fall 2018 Faculty Liaison (elected) to the Board of Trustees, fall 2017-present Co-chair of Living the Liberal Arts Gateway curriculum committee, summer 2013-present ե֭ Speakeasy coordinator, spring 2013-presenter Advisory Board for the Lampert Institute for Civic and Global Affairs, spring 2013-2016 Member of the Committee on Information Technology, fall 2012-2016 Co-director of the Center for Language and Brain, fall 2011-present Member of ե֭s Linguistics program, fall 2009-present Member of the Institutional Review Board committee, fall 2001-2012 Co-chair of the Living the Liberal Arts working group, fall 2012 & spring 2013 Womans Basketball faculty advisor, fall 2002-2013 Member of the Student Disciplinary Board, spring 2003, fall 2005-spring 2011 Member of the Faculty in Residence Pilot Program (Newell Apartments), 2009-2010 Search Committee, President of ե֭, 2009 Advisory Committee for the Picker Interdisciplinary Science Institute, fall 2005-2008 Member of the Health Sciences Advisory Board, fall 2003-2008 Regional high school seminars (5 times) Tuesday breakout sessions at White Eagle (4 times) Saturdays at ե֭ Admissions session (5 times) Talks with alumni groups in Seattle, Portland (OR), San Francisco, L.A., and San Diego DEPARTMENTAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE Chair of Psychology, 2013-2016 Coordinator of the Neuroscience Program, 2011-2013 Co-leader for a COVE St. Bernards Parish project in New Orleans, LA, winter, 2010 Co-leader for a COVE Habitat for Humanity project in Beaumont, TX, winter, 2009 Chair of search for psychology department Computer Technician, fall 2009 Member of the Chenango Nursery School Board, fall 2005-2008 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE President of the International Society for Gesture Studies, 2016-present Chair of the AAUP Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure, 2016-present Treasurer of the International Society for Gesture Studies, 2010-2012 CONSULTING SERVICE Scientific consultant for Learnimation, an educational software company that designs video instructional programs for delayed and special needs (e.g., Down Syndrome) students in early mathematics, 2007-present MEDIA COVERAGE Rigorous inquiry and respectful debate, Inside Higher Education, 10/5/18 As you know, Roy Moores campaign used a rhetorical tactic to make his denials sound more credible Washington Post, 11/16/17 Im your boss, but you dont believe me when I say, Im listening Forbes, 6/26/16 Can women ever be taken seriously?, Psychology Today, 4/28/15 Want to learn quicker? Use your body, BBC Future, 3/21/14 The evolution of hand gestures, The Atlantic, 5/22/13 Weekend update, Saturday Night Live, 5/19/12 Talking with your hands is innate, study finds, The Body Odd on MSNBC, 5/15/12 Baby gestures linked to vocabulary development, US News and World Reports, 2/12/09 Gestures matching words enhance message, United Press International, 1/6/10 Gesture and foreign language learning, King 5 TV, 1/21/09 The body politic, Adweek, 3/31/08 Body politics, ScienCentral News, 11/3/06 Gestures offer insight, Scientific American Mind, 10/15/06 The history of the V gesture, Radio 3 Hong Kong, 7/20/06 ե֭ professors scrutinize subtle, Syracuse Post-Standard, 10/14/04 The presidential debates, WKTV-TV, 10/13/04 Expressions and gestures, Netherlands National Public Television, 9/30/04 Face of the debates, Viewpoints (MediaTracks syndicated radio program), 9/29/04 Live from Miami! New York Times, 9/26/04 Election 2004: Whats in a gesture? the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 9/26/04 The body politic, the Orlando Sentinel, 7/31/04      (  PAGE 17 (  ; < T U ` l n  # Y ] ƸԗԊƸԀԀԀԸԸԸƸre[hCJOJQJh_h6gCJOJQJh_h6g5CJOJQJh[FCJOJQJh_h[FCJOJQJhkeCJOJQJh(CJOJQJhk)h[FCJOJQJh_h[F5CJOJQJhO1h[F5CJOJQJh_h[FCJOJQJhh[FCJOJQJ"h_h[F5CJ,OJQJ\aJ$#<]~; < T U  T  p@ gd[F  p@ gd[F p@ gd[F$a$gd[Fgd[F $7$8$H$a$gd[F   Y Z   Q R B `^``gd* @ ^@ `gd[F @ ^@ `gd6ggd[F gd[F     $ B Q S T X m     R j ƹƬƊseZeh7<5CJOJQJhO1h[F5CJOJQJh_h>dCJOJQJhYCJOJQJh_h[F5CJOJQJh^6CJOJQJh[FCJOJQJh_h[FCJOJQJhqDh[FCJOJQJh[F5CJOJQJh6g5CJOJQJh[EYh6gCJOJQJh6gCJOJQJh_h6gCJOJQJ# B&*ηvvvvvhv]UhfOJQJh_hfOJQJh_h[F5CJOJQJh_h[FCJOJQJh7<h7<6CJOJQJ]h7<h7<CJOJQJh7<CJOJQJh,h[FCJOJQJh[FCJOJQJh*h*CJOJQJh*CJOJQJh_h[F5CJOJQJhO1h[F5CJOJQJh7<5CJOJQJB&x+{V9:HIO ^`gdc? ^`gdg {gdZ] p@ Pgd[Fgd[F*49:FGHIO{ƻ~peWI?h}CJOJQJh_hg {5CJOJQJhc?hg {CJOJQJ\hc?CJOJQJ\hc?hc?CJOJQJ\hg {CJOJQJ\hc?hg {6CJOJQJ\hc?hg {6CJOJQJhHYCJOJQJhg {CJOJQJhg 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